
Duke User Guide

Duke is an app to help you manage your tasks with command line.

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1. Getting help

Gets all available commands in Duke.

Format: help

2. Adding a task

There are 3 types of tasks in Duke. They are todo, event and deadline tasks.

2.1 Adding a todo task

A todo task is the simplest task which only requires a description.

Format: todo {description}

Example: todo attending CS2103T Lecture will add a new todo task which description is ‘attending CS2103T Lecture’.

2.2 Adding an event task

An event task is a task with a date.

Format: event {description} /at {full_date}

Format for full_date: {date}/{month}/{year} {hour}:{minutes}:{seconds}

Example: event computing career fair /at 11/09/2019 13:30:00 will add a new event task which description is computing career fair and the event is happening on 11 September 2019 at 1.30 p.m.

2.3 Adding a deadline task

A deadline task is a task with due date.

Format: deadline {description} /by {full_date}

Format for full_date: {date}/{month}/{year} {hour}:{minutes}:{seconds}

Example: deadline CS2103T Project /by 30/09/2019 23:59:00 will add a new deadline task which description is CS2103T Project and the deadline task dues on 30 September 2019 23:59.

3. Viewing Tasks

Shows list of all task.

Format: list

4. Deleting Tasks

Deletes a task from the list.

Format: delete {index}

Example: delete 1 will delete the first task on the list.

5. Finishing Tasks

Marks a task as done.

Format: done {index}

Example: done 1 will marks the first task as done.

6. Finding Tasks

Finds note based on a keyword.

Format: find {keyword}

Example: find CS2103T Project will display all notes with CS2103T Project in the description.

7. Getting Reminders

Gets a list of deadline task which due soon or even task which happening soon. This feature will always been called upon starting up Duke.

Format: reminder

8. Closing Duke

In order to close duke, use the bye command.

Format: bye